Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Statement
March 25, 2021

UrbanArias is an anti-racist, anti-discriminatory opera company. We stand side by side with artists of all ethnicities, identities, orientations, and abilities as we work together to increase Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in all areas of our field. We encourage our audiences to do the same.

Through our programming, we strive to tell the stories of today’s America. We illuminate these stories through collaborations and partnerships with local organizations that serve the communities represented on our stage. 

As we enter our second decade, UrbanArias is poised for growth. We recognize the importance of doing so with intentionality and an eye toward increasing, improving, and expanding our practices, policies, and initiatives with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

To support this effort, the UrbanArias Board of Directors and Staff will be undertaking a strategic planning initiative in 2021. Please check back for updates and news.